Sun, June 15, 2025
The Heritage Village will be overflowing with a wide range of antique vehicles during this popular annual event.
We will be hosting special Fathers Day draws and live music inside the Clam Factory. Kids can challenge Dad to a Kub Kar race after they have made their own car in the Boatshop. Kub Kar Kits available in the store and will be cut out between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM in the Boat Shop.
Snacks and a variety of Cookhouse meals will be available on site. See below for details.
Please Note: Memory Lane Heritage Village has free-roaming farm animals on site and does not allow pets within the Village grounds.
This event may be impacted by rain. We will announce our decision regarding weather on Saturday by noon. Please check our website or social media for updates.
$7.00 at the door (12 and under free)
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Antique Car Owners - Registration Details
Vehicles from 1989 and older accepted.
9am to 12pm - Participant registration
approx 3pm - Show Trophies Awarded
All registered antique vehicle drivers and one passenger receive free admission to the village and complimentary coffee & tea.
The following options will be available for purchase on-site
Father's Day Cookhouse Menu (11am to 3pm)
2025 menu TBA
BBQ - located beside the Clam Factory
Drinks and baked goods will be available for purchase inside the Clam Factory.